Oz Blogs: From Passion to Path

I think it's safe to say that most of the time I write to reflect, or comment on things around me. And in a way this post is no different. Yet I've also allowed myself recently to recognise strengths that I already have. And here, dear reader, is where this particular lesson begins.

It's important to me that I remember I will only get out of life what I put in- to grab opportunities that are presented to me, and do so with a positive outlook. Naturally, that is how I dealt with being in Oz. So now that I'm back, curled up on the couch in my family home looking back on my semester, I start to appreciate that I have gained so much more than just weight and grey hairs.

As well as the friendships and wonderful memories, there were plenty of unexpected achievements too: from combating my flying nerves, to the ability to stomach red wine. But perhaps most importantly- a simmering passion has been transformed into a burning ambition.

It should come as almost no surprise that I am, of course, referring to writing (I know- Mystery Inc are quaking in their various forms of cartoon footwear).

I appreciate that this may sound like a rather daft statement from somebody who keeps a blog. But for me, there has always been a giant gulf between enjoyment and confidence. So when one of my lecturers voiced their belief in my abilities in scriptwriting, it was like finding your favourite earring you dropped weeks ago after accepting you were never getting it back.

Positive feedback from a qualified and practiced professional in a field you are passionate about means the world to anyone who gives half a toss about what they do. You'd be stupid if it didn't.
And this may ring particularly true when your field is the creative arts- an industry founded on uncertainty.

For me though, one thing is certain.

In wakening a confidence in my ideas and delivery that I never anticipated, it's in turn opened a door to a corner of theatre I previously believed was unrealistic. In short: I've decided that writing is something I'd like to pursue. And that is a pretty exciting discovery.

It's been a long time since I've felt so motivated by wanting to achieve something, particularly within my degree, and so the encouragement from my lecturer has changed my outlook in a lot of ways. For once on this blog, instead of looking back at things, I'm starting to pave a path forwards.

It's helped me to realise that inspiration can come from anywhere, and really, there's no such thing as 'too big a dream' if you're willing to work at it. You simply need to find it first.

We have all heard about the magic of "faith, trust and pixie dust". So what harm could a touch of strength, resilience and a sprinkle of brilliance do?

Maybe it was a fluke. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. But it just takes one good idea for you to be successful. After all, success is born from ambition, right?

So now, beside kilos and a need for an anti-ageing routine, I can add "a long term life goal" to the list of things Australia provided me. Not bad for my first experience of living abroad if you ask me.

Vicky x


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