Hello! I am so happy you're here.
This little corner of the internet was born back in 2018, initially serving as a reflective journal at a time when I needed to reconnect with the deepest parts of myself. Although, I wasn't particularly conscious of that at the time. Not only has writing here helped me to navigate some of life's most challenging experiences, it has provided a sense of warmth and comfort to those who have dipped their toes in and joined me for the journey. The wider impact of this blog is something I never could have anticipated, and I truly hope that my posts continue to inspire, reassure and enamour those who interact with them.
As well as being a blog contributor, I write for performance and work as a freelance drama workshop facilitator. Do get in touch via the Contact Form in the drop down menu if you would be interested in working together.
If, like me, you find it hard to seek the good in what can be a confusing and negative world, then I hope that the articles you find here offer a source of positive respite. More than anything, this space exists to remind you that you are not alone.
Finally, thank you so much for popping by The Sunday Notebook. It's people like you who empower me to share my little thoughts on the world, and I love hearing from readers. So get cosy, grab a cuppa and let's dive in!
Vicky x