Oz Blogs: Realising Your Worth

One of the most important things in life is to believe in yourself- that's my opinion. Yet so many of us waste a bunch of time comparing ourselves to others that we lose sight of everything that makes us who we are. We need to remind ourselves what we are worth.

Instagram: @MorganHarperNichols

Since starting my exchange I have been faced with people from all over the world with a wide range of skill sets- from people who speak multiple languages to sports champions and artistic geniuses- almost everyone I meet has a talent for something... except, in my opinion, for me.

Now, this isn't a pity party by any means. I know that I am not useless and I am in no way looking for some kind of validation from those of you who read these blogs, but having previously believed quite strongly that I had begun to love myself, starting to once again feel somehow inadequate was something I found quite scary.

Spending my time surrounded by these people whom I deemed to be 'better than' me really put my confidence in question. "I wish I could do that" and "oh my God- I literally have nothing to offer" are thoughts that run through my head multiple times a day. It's not that I was jealous of them or self-pitying, more that I was disappointed in my own lack of that 'something special'.

It was only the other night when watching 'A Star is Born' for the first time that something clicked for me (apologies to those of you who also haven't seen it, please finish this post, grab some snacks and tissues and stick it on. Hopefully you'll take away the same message as me)*. I realised that no matter what everyone else is doing, we all have something to say, and it is up to us to be heard. Thank you, Jackson Maine.

Whether it is through dance, song, writing, coaching, compassion, building, comedy, cooking or accounting- we all have something to offer the world and we should go out there and make the most of it. It doesn't matter whether you are talented at making things or if you're good at comforting people, all of these qualities, no matter how seemingly small or irrelevant, are valid and worthwhile gifts that we should be exercising and putting out there.

Watch from 1m 38s

This is our 'something special'.

I'm slowly re-coming to terms with the kind of person I am. Just because I'll never be a maths whizz or a choreographer doesn't mean I don't have something to offer, because I'm not all that bad at listening to folk and trying to give advice. And hopefully my writing isn't too bad either. Lol.

So next time you feel crap because somebody possesses a skill that you don't- don't be bitter. It's your responsibility to go out and use the thing that you are good at to show the world what you've got to say. It's the only way you'll be heard, and there are always people who will be ready to listen.

Vicky x

*DO NOT look anything up on YouTube before watching it- there are a bunch of spoilers!


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