Oz Blogs: The Cosy Corner

Having been in Australia for less than a week, it's fair to say that there are plenty of things I have learned already: I know that drinking is 1) expensive and 2) lethal, hamsters are illegal, and perhaps most importantly, I've learned to put myself out there.

Over the first couple of days I stayed safely within my comfort zone, spending time shopping and exploring with my home uni partner. It was once there was the first hint of an event, however, that I began to relive all the horrible apprehension that I experienced back in my first year. I didn't want to do anything. Having been out all day, I had grown quite excited about crawling into my newly covered bed and reading some of my book, enjoying some time in my room now that it looked somewhat less like a prison cell.

But deep down, I knew that going out would be the right thing to do. I managed to ignore the instinct telling me to retreat to my 'cosy corner' and mingle. And I am so glad that I did.

It was that night that I found the people I have been spending the majority of my time with so far, so without them I'm really not sure who I'd have had or how I'd have managed to fill my days. It was by pushing through this barrier of fear and (let's be honest) laziness that I gained a lot more than just a full night's sleep.

Now I'm not saying that this is/was easy, and I'm not dismissing my old feelings of anxiety, but I am saying that finding the strength to push through it was worthwhile.

Whether it's literal, metaphorical or just a safe place in our head- we all have our own 'cosy corner' and there is always a voice that will lure us towards it. Perhaps because we are wired to take the easy way out, I'm not sure, but I do know that it's somewhere we should all be more comfortable with leaving behind. It will always be there, but the opportunities we're afraid of may not be. And what kind of life is one always spent erring on the side of caution? Although scary, it is an effort worth making, and becomes easier to do the more often you break the barrier.

So take it from me and the notebook- next time you're faced with the option of hiding away or doing something which sounds a little bit daunting, choose the latter. You will almost always feel more fulfilled.

Vicky x


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